Thursday, September 16

The Non-Issue Issue

George W. Bush joined the National Guard in 1968. He spent six weeks in basic training, then 52 weeks of flight training. After that he took interceptor training and other training, as well, to an accumulated time of 2 years. This was not weekend training but full-time training.

In the late ‘60s and early ‘70s the National Guard used a point system to evaluate service. Each member was required to accumulate 50 points a year. From 1968 to 1969, Bush earned 253 points – his total service points at the end of 5 years was 954, equivalent to 19-years service in the National Guard. In 1972 there was a glut of pilots and the military didn't need them any more. Meanwhile, Pres. Bush had already earned his honorable retirement.

Had Kerry served his full tour of duty instead of just 4 months of it in Viet Nam, then returned to support his comrades in the field, he would be truly able to claim honorable service, too. As it is, his claim to military honor is not only superficial, it is downright immoral.

Besides, who cares? William Clinton, a draft dodger and protestor, was elected to the office in spite of the fact that the electorate knew he was all those things and more. They also knew he was a womanizer and had no experience in International affairs. Since Eisenhower's time, when did little things like morality, ethics or experience figure in an American Presidential election?

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