Friday, December 3

A New Form of Entertainment

Lately I've been entertaining myself by checking out blogs by Democrats. What an education! And what a relief that those people aren't leading this nation.

By and large Americans are a pretty reasonable people. We believe in and fight for our freedoms and we're especially jealous of our freedom of speech. But look what happens to our freedom of speech if we disagree with our "liberal and educated" friends. I posted a point-by-point refutation of the blog "You All Deserve What You Get". I simply stated the facts as they exist, with no ad hominem attacks and no crude language. My post, as you can see on the website, was removed and I received a truly abusive email from Rhonda, the blogger. She told me to stay away from her website so I will.

So I continued this new intriguing new form of amusement by reading some articles by "intellectual liberals" about their recent loss. I found the same language: abusive, insulting, arrogant, pseudo-intellectual, in most articles I read. This one by Ben Trippis especially representative of the typical Democrat's post about the outcome of the election.

What amazes me is that he doesn't seem to realize that he answers his own question. Who wants to try to get along with someone who calls him or her a "mincing pack of rabiators" and "intolerant," "driven by hate, fear, and a headful of helium?" That doesn't inspire me to reach across the great divide and be friends.

Furthermore, "The American voter, the Average Joe, is a poltroon. This wretched specimen has the wit of a condolence card, the courage of a shaved rabbit, the morals of a schoolyard dope peddler, the integrity of a counterfeit nickel, and the gall of a second-hand coffin salesman ... My fellow citizens are colder-blooded than serpents and stupider than a sack of toenails. How dare you vote against other Americans? That's all 'morals' is, these days: a code word for hate. How many millions of puffed-up poisonous psalm-singing sons-of-Birchers voted, not for Bush, but against queers? Against black people and Northerners and single women and poor children? What is the matter with you, that you want nothing more in this life than to stick a jackboot into the ribs of the downtrodden? There is no common good any more. Jesus Christ Himself would barf all over his anointed feet to see you venal, venomous vermin vituperate via votes." Thus saith Mr. Tripp.

And to beat all, the title of that spurious spew of vituperation is "Why Can't We All Get Along?"

Amazing! It's been a long time since the psych courses I took in college but I do remember that the way NOT to get along with people is to insult them. Tripp and his ilk accuse "conservatives" of divisiveness while rendering the blade of derision as hard as they can.

The other amazing thing is the blatant (and often totally wrong) assumptions these people make. They sound like third graders on the playground who weren't picked for the kickball team. "You're dumb." "I don't LIKE you anymore." I've seen third graders, though, who had enough sense to pick up their toys, go home and be quiet.

An interesting point of observation: the assumptions they're making are ones they get from the media. They assume all Republicans are opposed to homosexuals making committments to each other. It ain't necessarily so. They assume that all people who voted for President Bush oppose stem cell research. Again, ain't necessarily so. They assume all "Red" voters are pro guns and are uneducated, forgetting that Kerry rushed to be photographed as a hunter and Bush graduated higher in his class at Yale than Kerry did in his. And most of us would pit our IQs against any Democrat's.

And why is this entertaining, you ask? Because it's fun to see Democrats having a massive temper tantrum; kicking and screaming and sucking their collective thumbs. It proves that they are not the intellectuals they claim to be. All of this cursing and reviling their opposition shows they really don't have the mental/educational resources to conduct an appropriate debate. Blithering and blaming means they don't know why they lost and as long as they are content to cast insults blindly about, they're not going to figure it out. That amuses me immensely.

Do they think their insults hurt? They must or else why go to so much trouble and be so loud about it? But people who throw mud at others often miss and always are splashed with it themselves. Censorship of any kind hurts everyone except the person being censored. Foul language reflects on the speaker, not the person who is being insulted.

In my experience, the so-called "liberals" are the ones who won't listen and who are the first to walk out if a meeting doesn't go their way. Those two facts had a lot to do with my becoming a Republican in the first place.

And that's why they're losers. But don't tell them -- or, come to think of it, do tell them. They wouldn't listen anyway.


Anonymous said...

Ma'am, I consider myself a Left leaning moderate, and I have to agree with your remarks regarding the language employed by many on the left when speaking of their opponents on the right. It does not help further anybody's cause to be insulting and condescending, although in the heat of battle it is known to happen on both sides. Aside from some small generalizations (Our IQ's vs. theirs) I found your post to be spot on and I hope that bloggers, comment posters, and barstool debaters take away the message that without mutual respect, there can be no productive discourse.
Thanks you for a good thought provoking article.


Unknown said...

Thank you, kind TRF.

It's encouraging to know that there is someone out there with a liberal bent who might be willing to discuss issues reasonably.

Please come back and visit often. If you differ with me on any points, I would be delighted to hear what you think. I try not to form an opinion until I've checked out an issue pretty thoroughly but there may be an argument I missed on just about any subject. I'm sure willing to listen -- and to consider. Passionate discourse is welcome, too.

After all, it's sincere and open discussion on issues that makes it possible for us to vote -- and live -- responsibly in a free society.

Unknown said...

Thank you, kind TRF.

It's encouraging to know that there is someone out there with a liberal bent who might be willing to discuss issues reasonably.

Please come back and visit often. If you differ with me on any points, I would be delighted to hear what you think. I try not to form an opinion until I've checked out an issue pretty thoroughly but there may be an argument I missed on just about any subject. I'm sure willing to listen -- and to consider. Passionate discourse is welcome, too.

After all, it's sincere and open discussion on issues that makes it possible for us to vote -- and live -- responsibly in a free society.

Unknown said...

Thank you, kind TRF.

It's encouraging to know that there is someone out there with a liberal bent who might be willing to discuss issues reasonably.

Please come back and visit often. If you differ with me on any points, I would be delighted to hear what you think. I try not to form an opinion until I've checked out an issue pretty thoroughly but there may be an argument I missed on just about any subject. I'm sure willing to listen -- and to consider. Passionate discourse is welcome, too.

After all, it's sincere and open discussion on issues that makes it possible for us to vote -- and live -- responsibly in a free society.

Unknown said...

Thank you, kind TRF.

It's encouraging to know that there is someone out there with a liberal bent who might be willing to discuss issues reasonably.

Please come back and visit often. If you differ with me on any points, I would be delighted to hear what you think. I try not to form an opinion until I've checked out an issue pretty thoroughly but there may be an argument I missed on just about any subject. I'm sure willing to listen -- and to consider. Passionate discourse is welcome, too.

After all, it's sincere and open discussion on issues that makes it possible for us to vote -- and live -- responsibly in a free society.

Unknown said...

I think the system got the hiccups!

Unknown said...

They can claim all they want, Gaye, but "actions speak louder than words" as my cherished Mother used to say. Truly educated, intelligent people don't have to resort to insults to make a point; and all the ones I know welcome a good discussion of opposing sides. Only the person of limited vocabulary and intellect has to resort to foul language and ridicule.

You know, we have to read their blogs and their media pundits in order to really understand what they think and what they're doing. And, most important, to be sure they haven't thought of or learned something we don't know!

All of these blogs would be much more interesting if bloggers and their audiences would simply engage in discussing issues without taunting and mocking each other. You can't have a discussion if everyone agrees -- nobody learns anything that way!