Wednesday, July 8

Anger, Frustration and Obama. Thoughts.

I'm coming to believe that Average Americans are just plain narcissistic and stupid. (Thank you, National Education Association.) Narcissistic because they value entertainment and looks over facts and intellect in almost all phases of life. It's a "me first" mentality that is sick and destructive to a fully functioning society.

Here's some venting:
1. After 8 years of whining and criticism of my country and its leader by the "Progressive" Left, I feel no obligation to be generous and soft in my judgments of them and their leadership.
2. I am shocked at the anger I see around me -- this is not comparable to the trumped-up squalling we've seen from the Left about Cheney and Pres. Bush. This is true, teeming, building frustrated ANGER. Dangerous anger. Last week in a tiny town in the midwest I saw a sign -- a merchant's roadside sign -- that said, "Get Obama." I see only one way to take that and it shocked me.
3. But I understand the sentiment. Anyone with a household budget knows that if you're in debt, you pay expenses first, save a little and pay the debt off as fast as you can. The one thing you do NOT do is add to that debt and say you inherited the old debt from the year before so that (somehow) keeps you from being responsible for adding more. The Democratic Way.
4. Shallowness and mediocrity abound. The media and the un-cultured have spent a solid week sanctifying a mediocre rock "artist" who did NOT add anything to the development of either his profession or his culture and Obama is exactly of that ilk. He is a showman who does not know or understand the history of the country his is supposed to be serving. However, it's obvious he's not serving anyone or anything other than himself.
5. I am so sick of congress-people like Murtha who have no respect for our troops and for Obama who is so eager to send them into a war that can't be won. He doesn't have the sense to draw them into a country where he CAN beat them -- like Iraq.
6. I'm disgusted with a president who can't honor the efforts of those who came before him and who goes out of his way to apologize for the only country on earth that put its resources and young people on the line to secure freedom for most of the countries of Europe and Eastern Europe...and Iraq.
7. All my life I've believed in acceptance of and understanding those of different ethnic or religious persuasions but Obama has changed my mind. He, who claims to be a Christian, denies the Christian symbols and even the Christian basis of this country. My feeling now is that the United States is based on Christian ideals (our rights, after all, come from God -- may we assume that if you don't believe in God, you don't have those rights?) and we should be denying citizenship to anyone who refuses to speak our language and acknowledge our God. This opens citizenship to Jews and Muslims, you'll notice, but denies it to atheists and the ACLU. After all, we are a finite land mass and our native population is growing. We don't need immigrants of any kind.
8. As for the American press -- you are worthless and I will no longer listen to you or support you in any way. I can get much more intelligent, reasonable and valuable opinions of events from the BBC and from a variety of news sources on the Internet. To ABC, NBC and CBS, you are worthless unless I happen to be in the mood to laugh at you. I have a list of your sponsors and I do not buy their products.
9. As for denying "free speech" to people like Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers, I would if I could. I have decided that free speech belongs only to those who would not advocate murder and destruction of property. As for Obama's relationship to them, my Mother always warned me to pick my friends carefully, and she said, "Birds of a feather, flock together." Experience has proved that to be wise advice.
10. Regarding Sarah Palin: When the press became so hysterical about her, I began to look into her background seriously. It is impressive. She is probably the person who could have led us into prosperity, judging by what she has done in the past. Since her priorities are God, family and country, in that order, I suspect she was forced to resign so that she could make enough money to keep up with the onslaught of legal fees forced by "Progressive" Leftists. They do not fight fair -- they know they would lose every fight if they did. So they attack her children and force her into spurious lawsuits. Soros has the money; Palins do not. But Sarah's a fighter and she'll fight back. She'll fight fairly and she'll win. And I plan to support everything she does in every way I can. What a comfort to know a woman like her still exists in the world.
11. At the risk of being called a racist (I'm not so I don't care what you think), Obama will make or break the chances of us electing another black president. With the kind of irresponsible fiscal policies he's directing at the moment, breaking seems more likely. That's a shame because there are real American blacks out there who deserve a chance and who would be good for the nation. Examples? J.C. Watts, Condoleeza Rice, et al.
12. Obama's success is proof that the American system has worked -- a child from a broken family, educated through public funds and using affirmative action to get ahead -- proof that the system should NOT be changed and is one that Americans can take great pride in. It is amazing that his wife does not see that she should have been proud of her country when her husband bought a million dollar house. And that was long BEFORE he was elected president.
13. I am ashamed of those who apologize for slavery in this country. My great-grandfather was a slave owner who educated some of his slaves and who made sure they attended his church. The facts about the lives of many of the slaves were better than they are commonly portrayed. And there's the story of Cassius Clay returning from Africa. The press asked him what he thought of conditions in that country. He replied, "I'm just glad my ancestors got on that boat."
Yes, descendants of slaves have (and have had) it much better here than they would have had in Africa.
14. I question whether Ms. Sotomayor is really the best qualified person Obama could find to serve on the Supreme Court at this time. Looks to me like she is the best qualified hispanic-American woman and that's not at all the same thing. America deserves the best LEGALLY qualified with no other tags being relevant. And as for her statement regarding "a wise Latina woman" being able to reach a "better conclusion" than a "white male who hasn't lived that life," because of her experiences can be reversed and it has the same authority. The key words here are conclusion (in what case) and experiences (those would speak only to certain circumstances and would disqualify her in others). The question thus becomes, how many cases come before the Supreme Court that a hispanic woman could judge better than anyone else?
15. Have we lost our votes? When people like Sen. Murtha are re-elected by the people of Pennsylvania one can't help but wonder. Are they stupid or are they allowing the electoral process to be corrupted by money and politicians. The same goes for Minnesotans electing Frankel -- the man is most disrespectful of anything he doesn't support. If we let elections be bought, we lose the democratic republic. Chicago has held fixed elections for years and gotten away with it. ACORN (Association of Community Organizors for Reform Now) had to change its name to Community Organizors International (horrors -- they're contaminating other countries, as well) because they've corrupted so many elections. Reform means nullifying authentic votes with illegitimate ones.
16. Along those lines -- why does the public allow the media and the Left get away with claiming that the Supreme Court threw the 2004 election? Read the decision -- it referred to the Constitution, which mandated that the election be sent back to the Florida legislature. They followed the Constitution; they did not "throw" the election. Look it up.
17. Obama's citizenship. A child born to an American citizen is an American citizen. That's it. Obama's mother was an American. He was raised as a Muslim but he's an American citizen no matter where he was born. Get over it.

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