The Sunnye Side of the Web
"Wherever you go, whatever the weather, always bring your own sunshine."
Monday, October 28
I'm back
Sunday, April 29
Strangers and friends
I said that to a new friend who is moving into town last week and hearing myself made me stop and think. That may have been true when my children were young, and each time we moved to a new town and state I quoted that to my children.
But it's not a quote I would use to my grandchildren because the world has changed for the worse. And I feel a little guilty about using it to my friend because he has small children.
I grew up in a middling-sized college town in the South. When I was young I was free to roam a good-sized suburban neighborhood at will either on foot or on my bike. There was a war on but there were no murders in our town. The most famous murder in that day happened in Ohio and made the national news, it was such a rarity. I rode a bus downtown to go to movies or shopping and by the time I was in high school and had my driver's license I could pretty well go anywhere I wanted at just about any time (although it wasn't until I was in college that I stayed out at night).
Today not a single local evening news cycle goes by without a report of murder, drive by shootings, domestic homicide and gang killings. I don't dare smile at a child in the line at a supermarket for fear of terrorizing a youngster who has been warned not to talk to strangers.
That's what happens when a society turns away from God and the Ten Commandments. And it will get worse if we don't turn back soon, although in a world of home invasions and kidnappings it's hard to imagine things getting worse.
To you who deride Christianity I ask, "What is wrong with a world in which you treat others as you would have them treat you?" Isn't it enough that it's hard to live like that? But when you have the assurance and the faith that others are at least attempting to be fair and kind, isn't that a better place to be than in a world where everyone is out for himself and to heck with anything that gets in their way?
Today we have to teach our children to beware of strangers. A day doesn't go by without news reports of missing children and horrible kidnappings are killings. Today strangers are to beware of.
What a terrible difference in a single generation.
Sunday, April 22
I do want to state from the outset that I seek no one's good opinion or approval. I plan to write about what I'm thinking and why and, frankly, since I arrive at those through a good deal of research and thought, I don't care whether the reader approves. That said, I would appreciate your thoughts if you disagree, especially if you back your statements with facts that you've researched. I am interested in fact much more than opinion because it seems to me that journalists today have forgotten that reporting should be based on fact.
In addition to all that, I plan to write MY opinion of facts I find. I don't pretend to be unbiased -- I am not a reporter. At least not here.
So if you like to read what I'm thinking, please do. And do tell me what you're thinking about, as well. But please don't expect me to write under restrictions imposed by you and your standards. I have my own standards and will abide by those.
Thursday, October 13
Raising Cain
Sunday, March 27
Saturday, January 22
The Best Thing on the Web
Wake UP
My Review of Triple Basket Deep Fryer
Originally submitted at Brylane Home

Fry different foods at once! Cool-touch stainless design comes with 3 baskets: a jumbo for big batches, plus 2 side-by-side baskets for smaller batches. Immersion element preheats and recovers oil temperature quickly. Adjustable thermostat, ready light, odor filter, detachable, easy-clean 4½-lt....
You people must be kidding
Cons: Flimsy construction, Poor quality
Describe Yourself: Avid Cook
Made in China! This is just another example of the junky products we keep getting from China and certainly is testament to buying American only. In the first place, it's flimsy -- the top doesn't fit, the controls don't work and the cord doesn't attach to the body of the machine.
This is a piece of junk and I'm not going to even spend the money to send it back -- it goes in the trash and I will certainly think twice before I ever buy another appliance online. You can only tell how good the construction is by seeing it first-hand.
Saturday, November 6
THIS Is Some of What is Behind the Tea Party's Ire
Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post writes: “The first African American president takes office, and almost immediately we see the birth of a big, passionate national movement - overwhelmingly white and lavishly funded - that tries its best to delegitimize that president, seeks to thwart his every initiative, and manages to bring the discredited and moribund opposition party roaring back to life.”
The freedom to choose doctors, keep a health plan you like and the freedom to choose high-deductible coverage.
The freedom to hire or not to hire minorities and/or illegal immigrants.
The freedom of business owners to make business decisions without government intervention.
What is so different about Obama is that he is young and inexperienced. He did nothing to earn or even to qualify for his position. He’s just a pretty face and a good actor – a modern Harry Belafonte with powerful friends.
So you begin your article by saying it’s not racist to differ with Obama or to criticize him or to be a Conservative or a member of the Tea Party. And you end your piece by saying the only explanation for opposition to Obama is racism.
You can’t have it both ways.